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    14 Mar 2020 - News

    An update on Covid-19 — Coronavirus

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    Some of the questions I have been asked are along the lines of;

    Will racing be cancelled?

    At this stage racing will continue, this is subject to the government policy on crowds gathering and is under constant review.

    Could racing take place behind closed doors?

    There is no reason why it couldn’t do so.

    Will the training centres be closed?

    There are no plans to do so, in fact being out in the colder fresh air is probably one of the safest environments to be in.

    Should we take any precautions?

    Along with government guidance, just ensure your wash your hands and not just a splash of water, two verses of happy birthday with plenty of soap — I’m not kidding!

    What can we do to be as safe as possible?

    Take all necessary precautions such as washing carefully but also try to carry on as normal, however, if you have a cold or flu like symptoms do not come to work.

    Will I get paid?

    At this stage the government are looking to pay SSP from day 1. However SSP is only £94 per week. I appreciate not many can live on this but we must take this virus seriously. Within the MOA there is provision for employees to be paid in full for the first 4 weeks of an illness. For financial help and guidance call racing welfare, the racing charity.

    There is some further information on Covid-19 on our website and that of the BHA.

    Alternatively you can email NARS or myself and you can also call the office directly on 01638 663 411.

    — George McGrath

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    The National Association of Racing Staffs D&I strategy is overseen by the NARS executive, Chief Executive, President and Vice President.