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    15 Apr 2020 - News

    Working in Racing during Covid-19 lockdown — Survey

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    We would like to thank all staff that took part in the survey, a total of 207 altogether with staff from all around the country.

    The idea was to collate as much information as we could regarding the thoughts of staff and how it was impacting them during these times, whilst also understanding how they may get help to pay bills if needed.

    Some of the results collected showed that 43% of staff felt worried about their employment at this current time, whilst 46% of staff were worried about their job in the near future.

    47% of staff are worried about paying their bills

    And when asked about how they would look to cope — more than one option could have been selected — the answers were:

    20% would borrow from family or friends
    18% would use their overdraft
    18% didn’t know how they would cope
    16% claimed they would stop/defer paying their bills
    13% would turn down the heating to save on bills
    9% would contact Racing Welfare
    8% would access benefits/apply for Universal Credit
    4% would borrow from their employer
    2% claimed they would use payday loans

    Another question asked was “Do you feel safe at work with good procedures in place?” and 36% of staff said “No”.

    Asking staff about which procedures were not happening in their workplaces, more than one answer could be selected:

    72% sighted that Shared equipment is not being cleaned
    61% claimed No social distancing rules in tack rooms etc. were being followed
    46% stated that Shared areas were not being cleaned
    35% said Nothing has changed in my workplace at all that must be a concern for all of us who make their living from racing
    33% claimed that No hand sanitiser was available
    32% answered that there was No way of drying their hands
    8% unfortunately answered that there is No place to wash my hands

    We are working with the National Trainers Federation who are sharing lots of good information with trainers on how to use best practice and procedures during this situation, many across the country are doing so and we thank them all for supporting the staff and helping to make them feel safe throughout this period.

    View the full results of the survey.

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    The National Association of Racing Staff is one of the inaugural signatories to the industry diversity & inclusion (D&I) commitment and launching its diversity & inclusion (D&I) strategy. The staff that work in racing come from a diverse background and we are proud to represent them, the diversity and inclusivity strategy will demonstrate our commitment to all our members.

    The National Association of Racing Staffs D&I strategy is overseen by the NARS executive, Chief Executive, President and Vice President.