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    8 Aug 2024 - News

    NARS statement on the 2025 fixtures list

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    The fixture list for 2025 was published by the BHA yesterday at 12 noon.

    Throughout the year, NARS along with the PJA and NTF have lobbied hard for a more balanced and sustainable fixture list from a participant perspective.

    While we still have much work to do, it is acknowledged that there are 8 less fixtures in 2025 than there are in 2024. On its own that may seem a trivial amount but the 8 less is in addition to the 51 fixtures that have come of the fixtures list since 2019, so the direction of travel is going in the right direction.

    In further agreements, there will be an 8-day break on the flat following the last turf meeting and a further 3 days added onto that break for rider restricted races.

    It is a more positive development for jockeys than staff, but it will give the travelling staff a break and make planning for any annual leave that bit easier. There is also a further 5-day break where there will only be rider restricted races.

    Following the evidence-based feedback from NARS, (the NTF and PJA) there are no plans for any Sunday floodlight meetings.

    The fixture list has a direct impact on the retention of racing staff, with many exhausted by having to staff Sundays when on their day off, and evening fixtures when they will have worked a full morning. It isn’t just the impact on the staff, but also their families and friends.

    NARS will continue to campaign for less fixtures, especially evening fixtures, while also working with the Peoples Board to address the staff retention and recruitment issues in the industry.

    George McGrath

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    The National Association of Racing Staff is one of the inaugural signatories to the industry diversity & inclusion (D&I) commitment and launching its diversity & inclusion (D&I) strategy. The staff that work in racing come from a diverse background and we are proud to represent them, the diversity and inclusivity strategy will demonstrate our commitment to all our members.

    The National Association of Racing Staffs D&I strategy is overseen by the NARS executive, Chief Executive, President and Vice President.